Baby Boom!

The baby boom hits, and it hits hard!
The air (by air, I mean Facebook) is flooded by birth announcements, surprise birth announcements, surprise gender reveals, surprise number of babies, everything is on a fast spiral of notifications as well as invitations to baby showers and newborn photos. At one time, these were some of the most cherished moments you could think of, alongside weddings, and first steps. Now I feel as if Facbook has encouraged this type of imposition when it comes to special moments.
My news feed daily looks a lot like this: baby, marriage, engagement, baby, baby, baby, it's a boy, it's twins, baby, engagement, ring, ring, ring, wedding, wedding, engagement, baby update, baby sleep, baby, walking, teething, baby, birthday, wedding, engagement, babyyyyyyyyyyy.....

Okay, clearly by now I've learned how to segregate my news feeds so that I'm not feeling overwhelmed by all this glorious and wonderful news, but the truth is, when I think about where I am in my life, my next step is probably just to meet a really great guy. Period.

I talked to my good friend who is married, and has been for 1 year now, and she has a desire to have children and it's always been her desire when she was single. I feel like seeing something so heightened is a lot like having a drop of food coloring in some water and it all slowly bleeds into the clear water that once was. I asked how she was doing after hearing the baby announcement of another friend. She said she was doing fine, but she really does want children.

Made me think about this period where I'm waiting for a man! Haha!, and not letting it get me down about the fact that I'm having to wait. Once it comes and happens, this will seem like a very short stint of time that I've had to wait. Much like the mutual friend that just posted her baby's gender, has waited/ perhaps struggled to have a child, but I think from the outside; someone would assume that she is having a child in the appropriate time, she's been married for about 3 years now, and I think that most people could probably see that as an ideal time to have children after having been married. I think for anyone experiencing it all feels the wait is longer, and sometimes it is and can be.

What I'm trying to get at is that everyone, at some point in their life feels like they are on the longest journey of their life when they are waiting on something big. I mean HUGE! Whether it's waiting on the timing for when you meet someone, when you get engaged, when you get married, when you move out of that apartment lifestyle, when you own your own home, when you have your first child, or second one, or third. Everyone is so preoccupied by the next level of their life that they forget to enjoy the one their in right now. Even me. Especially me. I get caught up in getting preoccupied with meeting a guy, having a boyfriend, making my own way and my own life.

All of it is practically null and void when I really take a microscope to it. It can't be all about that, but I also know that, and daily I have to find myself talking to ME, the ME at where I am. Right now. I don't really need a slew of people telling me the same lines I've heard over and over that when I least expect it, it'll happen. I know... even writing that line was repetitive because I've written it before, and that's how sick of hearing about it I am.

This wait can be torture if I let it, but I will not let it. I want to enjoy my life. I get the pleasure of being single right now. Traveling to the other side of the states, having no one to answer to. I can do this for however long God allows this part of my life to be. And I have to tell myself that often. This is just where I am, and I am content with what has been presented to me.


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