It Was Cool Out, And We Stayed Out till the Sun Went Down

I am constantly thinking of how my thoughts are challenged. How they will be challenged when I step foot in a different country.
How much I will be learning about myself.
How much I am relying on God, and not myself, not family, nor friends. Just the two of us. A lot like the Will Smith song "Just the Two of Us".

I have pondered how much I'll be reading, writing, sketching, and drawing, and taking pictures to be constantly reminded that God is present in everything that I do.

I would like to read a few books while I'm there. The first being the letters that the Apostle Paul wrote to the church. If emo ever existed back in the day, I'd say he was the first to invent emo of truth. He didn't beat around the bush. Paul was all black and white. He went from persecuting the Christian church and it's believers, and then did a 180ยบ a became one of our most influential missionaries spreading the word of God.

My reasoning for saying all of that is that I want to read all of his letters while I'm in Italy. What better place to read them, then the start of Paul's first journey to spread the word? Needless to say it will be a challenging read. My friend offered me to read R.C. Sproul to read alongside the letters of Paul, but I declined. I think that is a different type of day set aside with a cuppa and lots of brain patience. I want to be more enveloped in the word than another's opinion of the word.

The second book I have been wanting to get and read for the last year is called The Happiness Project. I have read mixed reviews on it, but much like movie reviews, I rarely pay attention to other people's opinions unless they are overwhelmingly bad reviews. So this is just a book about a woman who redefined her life and what it means to be happy. When I skimmed over some of the pages, a lot of it is self explanatory. A lot of the actions are things that are "what I call, Biblical". (If you've ever seen the show Miranda, you'll know what I'm referencing. But I thought it'd be good just to have as a read.

The third book I want to delve into is The Perks of Being A Wallflower. I still haven't seen the movie, so that only means I will be seeing it hopefully on my plane ride, but if not, I will read the book first. I think that it is one of those relatable stories that we have all gone through in some way or another.
You could've been the popular person, but were you popular because you wanted to be, or because other people made you out to be that way?
You could've been the dork that honestly embraced it and didn't think much about it.
Being confident in who you are is such an aspiring thing. Aspiring to be the best you, not the best of someone else is freeing and refreshing.
If you're a dork now, embrace it! Don't play the cool kid when that isn't who you want to be.
If you're an athlete and you like sappy stuff, embrace it! You shouldn't have to fit any label that someone else has made for you.

The fourth and last book I would like to read that I just saw is The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are.
I haven't seen anything on it, but it looks like an interesting read. If you have read it, or heard of it, let me know what your take is on it.

That's all I've got for the day. Enjoy your life. Be present in it. And put down that technology every once in a while to pick up a pen and start writing your own story.


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