Dream On {Monday}

Dream………. For as long as I can remember, maybe since I was little and seeing mopeds and motorcycles speed about Italy, I always was enamored by them. 
Not something a mother wants to hear her daughter talk about I’m sure, but I didn’t ride my first motorcycle until I was about to move to Orlando for college. A friend of mine had one, I found out and asked for a ride. Of course it was slightly raining that day so I was a little scared, but everything was under control. {DISCLAIMER: Not the safest thing to admit} I think he got up to about 120 on the interstate. Some time I saw a documentary with Ewan McGregor called “Long Way Down”, he traveled to 18 different countries on motorcycle with his friend. I later then saw the movie “Benjamin Button”……… Need I say more about that motorcycle? With all that being said, I hope to one day travel the U.S. first on motorcycle.


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