30 Day Coldplay Challenge

Since I technically should've started this upon buying my ticket to the show, but I didn't know about it until a day ago. So here it goes...

01 your favorite song: one of them, Lost!

02 your least favorite song: Cemeteries of London

03 a song that made you fall in love with them: Sparks

04 a song from Parachutes–Trouble

05 a song from X&Y: Square One

06 a song that reminds you of someone

07 a song that reminds you of somewhere

08 a song that you wish you heard on the radio: Till Kingdom Come

09 a song that describes you: Fix You

10 a song with the best music video: sorry to abuse the mess out of Fix You, but it gives me SHIVERS every time (no pun intended)

11 a song from your favorite album: Clocks

12 your favorite acoustic version: any song chris martin chuckles through his set and you can hear it in the song

13 your favorite live version: now, its most likely charlie brown (Mylo Xylo 2012 tour)

14 a song from Viva La Vida: Lost! (original and +feat Jay Z version)

15 a song that you can play on an instrument: nothing yet

16 a song that you wish you could play: probably Fix You

17 a song from A Rush of Blood to the Head: In My Place

18 a song that you want to play at your wedding: Sparks

19 a song that you want to play at your funeral: Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall

20 a song from Prospekt's March EP: Now My Feet Won't Touch the Ground

21 a song from your favorite gig This Thursday will be my first gig of Coldplay (I equate this moment to what I think it'll be like getting married/having a baby.–No lie.)

22 a song that you listen to when you're happy: appropriately God Put a Smile on Your Face

23 a song that makes you laugh: hmmm

24 a song that you listen to when you're sad– The Hardest Part

25 your favorite B side: don't shoot me, I don't have one yet

26 a song that saved your life–Not save/but it changed it, and it was yellow. First song I ever heard from them when I was in 8th grade

27 a song that makes you vibrate your soul: Paradise

28 a song from your least favorite album: Violet Hill off Viva la Vida

29 your favorite song from the forthcoming album:

30 a song that makes you fall asleep: Till Kingdom Come


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