This Girl Is on a Mission
Well my fine and loyal readers... (crickets are cricketing indoors).
If you haven't already heard, I am going to be overseas!
That's right! Overseas to foreign lands. Whisked away on an exotic adventure.
Having the wind rushing through my hair, riding a moped along the coast...
Speaking the second language of love. Should be the first in my opinion.
Okay, but seriously though. I will be on an endeavor to Chiavari, Liguria, Italy next February 2013.
It's for a 3 month missions trip to teach English as a second language and witness the love of God, while building a strong and meaningful relationship.
I am beyond excited to get to be apart of this experience. I have prayed off and on about
going on a short term missions trip. I think I am better suited for them.
I don't get nearly as overwhelmed with them. I feel like more is being accomplished by staying
around for longer than a week or two, but it's not so long that I'm emotionally drained to the point of exhaustion.
The thought of teaching has honestly come up more times than I can remember.
I think I probably didn't think too much of it because I wasn't really sure
I wanted to do it since I already got my degree in something else.
But then it was just a thought that started to become a thought for a possibility.
Now I get the opportunity of teaching people from the ages of 12-92. I'd be lying if I said I
could care less about the food, but it will be a nice perk.
I also would love to learn how to cook an authentic Italian meal. In the process of cooking and eating, I will be praying to God I do not become a beached whale.
If you'd like to hear about an itinerary I'm coming up with in my head, I'll be featuring them on some future entries. Have no fear though, If I don't get to blog a lot while I'm there, I'm going
to try to blog as much at home before I leave.
Single waiting is a lot more fun when you get to do stuff like this. And if your question is, 'have I considered meeting a boy in any of these places?' The answer would be no.
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