Some Goals... Making my Lists

I know there are a lot of qualms that come with people making lists because people can often think that you are a bit of a prude and a controller of everything in your life.

Well I'm here to tell you, because of my last post, I need to make a tangible goal list and I want to write it out in the interwebs so I can prove to myself more than anything that this will take some time and work and I need to find myself dedicated to making a change.

My Personal Life Goals:
Challenge myself more and not be afraid of failing
Focus on writing down everything if it helps remember important things
Do not spend the day, wasting it on technology

My Health Goals:
I want to be healthy conscious
I want to state a goal and commit to it
I want to bike everyday
I want to run 3-5 miles every other day
I want to truly enjoy food without guilt

My Financial Goals:
To pay off my student loans in 3-4 years
To build up a great credit score
To send people on mission trips
To be able to travel at least 1-2 times per year
To be independent from my parents and be able to bless them
To be able to purchase equipment for photography business

My Relational Goals:
To be content with being single
To enjoy the times I get to be with friends at whatever point I'm at with them
To love and accept the people in my life
To make the most of time with people

My Career Goals:
To be happy and joyful at whatever I'm doing, wherever I am
To excel in photography the best way that I can
Learn new things and grow in those things
Challenge myself in the things I'm afraid to do


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