
Showing posts from May, 2011

Its finally here

The start of June 2011. I told myself that I'm going to make this my month of fasting, praying, and seeking God. Clearly that's not just a once a month out of the year type thing, but for this particular reason, I feel as if God is doing something great right now in my life. If anyone knows me, at this point in my life, I'm a recent jobless grad relying on my parents for support financially and mentally, and looking for work day in and day out. And if I'm not looking for work the regular old fashioned foot to pavement way, I'm looking at alternative ways to get work. To go back to what I was saying, God is doing something great in my life. I still have yet to put my finger on it, but I'm changing, and I like the change I see in myself. I am being challenged spiritually and mentally and I like it. I am developing friendships in the most unforeseen ways and I like it. All of that to say that I have to do this. God wants me to go deeper and search His heart, find o...

Vestibule of Singledom

I will say that waiting isn't all bad. I've managed to learn who it is God is wanting me to be as a woman with character and a heart for other people. The waiting gets harder when everyone around you is getting called out of line to check out and meet their "one and only". It happens to everyone but sometimes we get the notion its only happening to us and we will not survive in a world of love without someone for us to love. Announcement: WE WILL SURVIVE. Gloria Gaynor didn't sing those words for nothing! Its inevitable that we as humans can get through a lot of things with a strong can do attitude. He may not be fun at all to get to the point of finding your strength, but man is it o so rewarding when we realized we got through that heaping mess of tears and woe is me lines whined to our friends. I'm guilty of it. Probably in every stage of my life, I wanted to be there for someone in a non platonic way that required me giving of my self in an unselfish manne...

Waiting vs Not Waiting

A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. Jane Austen The bitter truth of Jane Austen, as much as one doesn't want to think that way about themselves, this statement is mostly true. We all want to be loved, to love, and to experience love in our lifetimes, but sometimes we sacrafice the importance of a healthy relationship for the feeling of being in lust and confusing it with love. The debate of the waiters vs the non waiters has been ongoing as long as I've been the appropriate age to consider dating, courting, or marriage. Some of the friends who have been in relationships tell me I'm missing out, and the waiting friends tell me that the wait is worth it in the end. I have conflicting feelings on both sides. While I feel like being in a relationship at this point in my life will be one of the best things that has happened to me, I don't f...