The Battles We Face
Practicing how to get back into regular routines is not an easy task, but I think when coming back from a trip like I just have, the routines are the things that I once had are not what I want to fall back into. My challenge to myself is to out in 100% of effort towards my goals. To challenge my walk and have people challenge me in my walk. To learn what it is I value and what needs to be laid to rest. The thing with routines and habits are that they can be conflicting at times and control you in the worst possible way if you let it. In my case, I haven't had many steady routines since I graduated college. I knew everyday when I had class, from blocks of scheduled time. When I needed to be at work, and back at school to work on projects, and how much extra time I could have outside of all those areas. But now, I don't have school responsibilities weighing down on me, but more adult responsibilities, financial goals and responsibilities to be met, career responsibilities, et...