How I Made the Move

Taking the steps to move is sort of a big deal, second in making the decision to move. I knew I wanted to live in a new state, explore more states in fact; and most of that started with a desire to want to visit to Portland, Oregon. I didn't have the stones to just pack my car up and move across country without an idea of what I was going to do, so I made it a priority to find a job that would allow me to be able to transfer to another location without the headache of having no real plans. In comes IKEA, the light at the end of the Swedish Karlskoga tunnel. I started with the company back in 2013, and shortly found out all the amenities they offered. You may not call those amenities, but they have done nothing short of taking care of me as an employee and for that I will always be grateful and continue to put my efforts in being a well-rounded worker for them. Here are a list of things you should consider doing if you want to take a hop across the pond, a drive across the street, ...